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Dr. Amzallag has been a practicing psychotherapist/life coach for nine years. He graduated Summa Cum Laude,, where he earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational psychology and Communication. Dr. Amzallag is also a published author with several books focused on business entrepreneurship, happiness, psychology of happiness, self-esteem, self-worth, and life coaching. A prolific writer, he has posted over a thousand articles on these topics


Wellness & Self development

Love & Relationships

Work & Pro Life


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Activities of Dr Dan

Dr Dan

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: DOUBLE THE FUN In a world quick to judge, it's vital to remember that everyone's path to health is unique. Whether through medication or exercise, each person chooses their best way forward in their health journey. Let's shift from judgment to empathy, recognizing that the choices people make about their health are deeply personal and not for us to critique. Understanding and support can replace scrutiny, fostering a community where every approach to well-being is valued. Celebrate the courage... See More

Dr Dan

FABULOUS FRIDAY: DANGERS OF WAITING Waiting for the perfect moment to pursue your happiness is like standing at the edge of the water, forever watching its flow and never daring to swim. Life doesn't promise the arrival of flawless circumstances or the perfect alignment of the stars. Every moment spent waiting on the sidelines is an opportunity missed to dance in the rain, to laugh, to grow. Happiness, much like love or success, is not a distant treasure to be... See More

Dr Dan

THERAPY THURSDAY: LET’S BE POETIC Your mind is like a garden, and your thoughts are the seeds you plant. Cultivating a healthy mind is just as crucial as nurturing a garden. It requires patience, care, and attention to what you sow. Plant seeds of positivity, hope, and resilience, and weed out negativity and doubt to allow for healthier growth. Regularly tending to your mental garden by practicing mindfulness, learning new things, and engaging in reflective thought ensures that it remains vibrant... See More

Dr Dan

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: NEUROLOGICAL SENSES OF FITNESS When you dedicate yourself to the discipline of exercise, your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Each drop of sweat, each set you complete, and each mile you run builds not only your physical strength but your character. This visible transformation becomes a testament to your determination, inspiring those around you. Remember, true progress isn't always measured by the reflection in the mirror, but in the countless small victories no one else sees. Keep pushing forward,... See More

Dr Dan

Are We Genetically Predisposed to Infidelity? Unraveling the Mysteries of Human Relationships and how NOT to fall on the many temptations when being presented. This newly published article examines whether infidelity in humans is influenced by genetics and explores strategies for resisting sexual temptations. It discusses how genetic factors, like variations in the dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) and the vasopressin receptor gene (AVPR1A), might predispose individuals to risk-taking behaviors, including cheating. However, these genetic influences are not absolute and... See More

Dr Dan

FABULOUS FRIDAY: MEANING OF TRUTH Within the depths of your being resides a profound truth, whispered by the universe itself – a purpose intricately woven into the tapestry of existence by a higher source. Embrace the journey of self-discovery with open arms, for in every moment lies the opportunity to uncover the divine blueprint of your soul. Trust in the gentle guidance of the cosmos, allowing the light of enlightenment to illuminate your path with clarity and purpose. As you awaken... See More

Dr Dan

FABULOUS FRIDAY: FIGHTING INTERNAL DEMONS In the battle against our internal demons, remember that every struggle you face is a step towards a brighter tomorrow. Embrace the power within you to overcome adversity and reclaim your happiness. Challenge negative thoughts with positivity, and cultivate self-love in the face of doubt. Surround yourself with supportive allies who lift you up in times of darkness. Remember that healing is a journey, not a destination, and every day offers a new opportunity for growth.... See More

Dr Dan

THERAPY THURSDAY: OVERCOMING SUFFERANCE In a world where suffering may seem abundant, so too is the resilience and strength that emerges from it. Every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth, every setback a chance to rise again. Despite the darkness, there is an undeniable light within each of us, capable of illuminating even the bleakest of circumstances. Through perseverance and determination, we discover our own power to overcome adversity. Let us embrace each obstacle as a stepping stone towards... See More

Dr Dan

Family dynamics: Navigating the complex conversation of imminent break-up. Talking to Your Young Kids after Separation or Divorce After a breakup, it's important to communicate with your children honestly and with empathy. Create a calm and welcoming environment where they can freely share their feelings. Use language that they can understand, reassuring them that the breakup is not their fault. Encourage open communication, validate their emotions, and remind them of both parents' love. Avoid negativity towards your ex-partner and maintain stability... See More

Dr Dan

MOTIVATION MONDAY: A DAY WITH A MISSION IN MIND Your mission to succeed is a testament to your resilience and determination. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever before. Let your passion fuel your journey, igniting a fire within you that cannot be extinguished by setbacks or obstacles. Stay focused on your goals, knowing that every step forward brings you closer to realizing your dreams. Believe in yourself, for you possess the strength... See More

Dr Dan

THERAPY THURSDAY: IT’S ALL ABOUT THE PROCESS Imagine mental health as a scenic adventure, not a trophy at the end. There will be sunny patches and stunning vistas, but also cloudy stretches and challenging climbs. The goal isn't just reaching the finish line, but savoring the experience. Every step you take, every hurdle you clear, adds to your overall well-being. Celebrate the small wins, like a nutritious meal or a moment of mindfulness. Learn from the setbacks, using them to build... See More

Dr Dan

TOGETHERNESS TUESDAY: WHY CAN’T FRIENDSHIPS BE SO SIMPLE? In a world filled with complexities, the beauty of friendship shines brightest. Amidst chaos and uncertainty, nurturing meaningful connections brings solace and strength. When life overwhelms us with its intricacies, let's lean on the simplicity of genuine companionship. True friends become our anchors, grounding us in love, understanding, and laughter. In the warmth of their embrace, the noise of the world fades into the background. Instead of getting lost in the complexities of... See More

Dr Dan

MOTIVATION MONDAY: NEW WEEK…NEW OPPORTUNITY As a new week dawns, embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Each day presents a chance for something extraordinary to unfold. Whether it's a new adventure, a breakthrough, or a moment of profound joy, be open to the magic of the unknown. Every sunrise brings fresh opportunities for growth, success, and fulfillment. So seize the day with enthusiasm and optimism, knowing that something truly remarkable could be just around the corner. Welcome the week with... See More

Dr Dan

FABULOUS FRIDAY: DIRECTING YOUR ENERGY ADEQUATELY Your life is a canvas, painted with the brushstrokes of your thoughts and actions. Embrace the power within you to shape your reality. Redirect your energy towards positivity and productivity. Every moment is an opportunity to choose growth over stagnation. Believe in your ability to transform challenges into stepping stones towards success. Cultivate a mindset of abundance and resilience. Let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back, and dare to dream big. Remember, your... See More

Dr Dan

Are you in the right MOOD to eat healthy FOOD? How can mental health affect your eating habits in the positive or negative way: Is the fast food industry subliminal messages affect our moods and how can we fight back? Psychological warfare explained! Psychological warfare involves the strategic use of propaganda and subliminal messages to shape consumer behavior, including eating habits. The fast food industry employs such methods to boost sales, contributing to the obesity crisis in America. Mental health significantly... See More

Dr Dan

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: THE TIME YOU MAKE FOR YOURSELF In a world abuzz with ceaseless motion and endless demands, it's easy to lose sight of the most crucial currency we possess: time. Yet, amidst the chaos, the most pivotal moments unfold when we carve out time for ourselves. It's within these sacred spaces that we cultivate our inner strength, nourish our passions, and ignite the spark of creativity that propels us forward. When we prioritize self-care, we honor our worth and rejuvenate... See More

Dr Dan

TOGETHERNESS TUESDAY: THROUGH THICK AND THIN True friendship transcends all obstacles, standing strong through every trial and triumph. It's the unwavering support in times of adversity, the genuine laughter shared in moments of joy. A true friend listens without judgment, speaks with honesty, and holds your hand through life's uncertainties. They celebrate your successes as if they were their own and offer comfort when you stumble. In the tapestry of life, friendship is the thread that weaves together hearts, binding them... See More

Dr Dan

People’s reaction to your PTSD: What to do when the people you know and are close to have no empathy for your trauma: Challenges you may face when asking for validation of your illness! Dealing with PTSD can elicit varied reactions from those close to you, influenced by their beliefs, experiences, and cultural backgrounds, affecting the level of support you receive. Misunderstanding the invisible wounds of PTSD often leads to skepticism or invalidation, exacerbating feelings of isolation and despair. Stigma surrounding... See More

Dr Dan

FABULOUS FRIDAY: TIME TO TAKE-OFF Life is a precious gift that should be cherished and enjoyed to the fullest. However, sometimes negative thoughts and emotions can cloud our minds and prevent us from experiencing all the joys that life has to offer. It's important to remember that negative thoughts are just that - thoughts. They are not reality, and they do not define who you are. You have the power to choose which thoughts you focus on and which ones you let... See More

Dr Dan

THERAPY THURSDAY: THE “WHAT-IFS” OF LIFE Life is a canvas of endless possibilities, each stroke defined by our choices. What if we dared to embrace the unknown, to take leaps of faith into uncharted territories? For in the realm of uncertainty lies the brilliance of discovery, the thrill of adventure, and the beauty of transformation. What if we let go of fear and hesitation, and instead, embraced the exhilarating dance of risk-taking? For it is in risking failure that we unlock... See More

Dr Dan

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: ARE YOUR DREAMS WORTH FIGHTING FOR? Your aspirations represent the vibrant threads awaiting manifestation. Refuse to be hindered by fear of failure or the need for approval; your journey is uniquely yours to embrace. Each step toward your goals showcases your bravery and resilience. Though doubt may arise from others, use it to fortify your resolve. Greatness isn't granted by external sources; it's crafted through your relentless pursuit of what ignites your passion. Have confidence in your abilities, as... See More

Dr Dan

TOGETHERNESS TUESDAY: LOW MAINTENANCE FRIENDSHIP True friendship is like a sturdy tree, rooted deeply yet flexible enough to weather life's storms without constant tending. It thrives on authenticity, trust, and understanding rather than extravagant displays or constant demands. A genuine friend accepts you as you are, without expecting perfection or constant attention. They cherish the small moments and support you through the highs and lows without judgment. True friendship doesn't require grand gestures or constant validation; it flourishes in the simplicity... See More

Dr Dan

Attention all Meet Coach clients: After numerous requests for the paperback edition of my latest book, it's now available for purchase directly from the printer via the link provided below. Among my collection of 10 published works, this one stands out as the most substantial, spanning over 600 pages filled with transformative content that promises to revolutionize your life. By intertwining quantum physics and psychology, it offers insights into the scientific, spiritual, and much more. Step into the realm of... See More

Dr Dan

Do eating disorders come at a young age? How to recognize the difference between picky eating and an eating disorder: Paying attention as parents is crucial for mind and body development of your young kids. Eating disorders can appear in childhood or adolescence, sometimes even in elementary school. While commonly associated with teenagers, they can manifest earlier. Disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder have distinct behaviors. Differentiating between picky eating and an eating disorder is vital for parents.... See More

Dr Dan

FABULOUS FRIDAY: THE JOY OF CELEBRATING LIFE Life is a gift, a fleeting moment to be cherished and celebrated. Each sunrise brings a new opportunity to embrace joy, love, and gratitude. Amidst life's challenges, it's essential to pause and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Take nothing for granted, for every breath is a miracle, every heartbeat a rhythm of life. Celebrate the little victories, the moments of laughter, and the warmth of friendship. In the tapestry of existence, every thread... See More

Dr Dan

THERAPY THURSDAY: LIFE’S FAILURES DO NOT EXIST, AS LONG AS……… In life, failures are not permanent setbacks but rather stepping stones towards growth and success. Every stumble, every setback is an opportunity to learn, to evolve, and to become stronger. It's not about the fall, but about the courage to rise again, to keep moving forward despite the obstacles. Remember, even the most successful individuals faced failures along their journey. What matters most is your resilience, your determination to persevere, and... See More

Dr Dan

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: BEST RETURN ON INVESTMENT Embrace the journey of progress, for it is the key to unlocking your full potential. By focusing on your growth and continuous improvement, you pave the way for success. Remember, while diligence and determination drive your journey, luck may also play a role in the outcome. Trust in your abilities, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and remain open to the opportunities that come your way. Every step forward is a step closer to... See More

Dr Dan

Find our popular podcast listed on links below Spotify for podcaster: Amazon Music: Apple podcast: Castbox: Google Podcast: Iheartradio: Overcast: Pocket Cast: Radio Public: See More

Dr Dan

Parenting strategies: What is most effective? Strict or permissive parenting. Here are some drawbacks of the latter approach! Permissive parenting, marked by a lax approach to child-rearing, has significant drawbacks impacting children's development, behavior, and well-being. While aiming for independence and creativity, the lack of structure and consistent discipline can lead to insecurity and behavioral issues. Children may lack essential life skills and develop entitlement attitudes, hindering their success and emotional resilience. Permissive parenting also undermines accountability and can affect academic... See More

Dr Dan

Understanding the mystery of inherited trauma: Identifying signs and navigating triggers. The difficulties individuals encounter in addressing PTSD stemming from isolated incidents. Understanding inherited trauma involves delving into the concept of intergenerational transmission of trauma, where the emotional pain and unresolved issues from past generations are passed down to subsequent ones. This phenomenon is rooted in the idea that traumatic experiences can leave lasting imprints on individuals' psyches, affecting not only their own mental health but also that of their descendants.... See More

Dr Dan

The secret of marital success: Working on yourself first for a better relationship in the future. Why individual relationship counseling is key prior to considering couples counseling? Unlock the key to marital success: Prioritize self-improvement for a thriving relationship. Before couples counseling, individual relationship counseling is essential for personal growth and shaping future dynamics. A strong relationship hinges on self-awareness, explored through counseling to understand emotions and communication patterns. This awareness lays the foundation for authentic and emotionally intelligent connections. Individual... See More

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4+ years exp.

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Wellness & Self development

Cedric Streeter began his journey as a Life Coach in March of 2019 and is passionate about the relationships forged with clients to discover and make their goals obtainable. In 2023, Cedric created Defy Odds Coaching to assist clients with defying the odds and persevering to meet their goals. He has coached parents and their young adult children with establishing a professional career and strategy to completion of higher education programs, as well as coaching individual clients. Before starting Defy Odds Coaching, Cedric worked in management roles in the Automotive, Health Care, and Entertainment Industries, over the past ten years. He has also worked in various capacities in the Music, Film, and Television Industries over the past 20 years. Cedric received his B.A. in English with a minor in Communications and Theatre from Lehman College and his MBA in Marketing and International Business from Walden University. Currently, Cedric is a doctoral candidate, completing his dissertation at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, majoring in Business Psychology.


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Hello and Welcome!! I'm excited to be your coach! My approach to coaching is deeply rooted in empathy and understanding. I believe that everyone possesses the tools needed to lead a more satisfying and purposeful life, and my role is to help you discover and harness those abilities. In 2016, I obtained my bachelors degree in psychology at Alabama State University followed by my masters degree in psychology-counseling from University of West Alabama, in 2019. I have over 7 years experience working with mental health disorders, developmental disabilities, trauma cycles, crisis intervention, and substance use disorders. My career is based around guiding individuals through hardships and providing adequate coping strategies to achieve resilience. As a mental health therapist I look forward to helping you or a loved one on your transformational journey to becoming a better you! "The life in front of you is more important than the one behind you."


10+ years exp.

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Wellness & Self developmentHealth & Fitness & 1 more.

Hello! and a very warm welcome to Consciousness / Life Coaching for personal development, optimal health and well-being, and peak performance. I am Leonie, and I have been deeply committed to serving others for over a decade through coaching. I hold an ICF accredited Diploma in Professional Consciousness Coaching, a Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy, and I am a certified Meditation Teacher. I am here because I have a firm belief in the limitless human potential for personal growth, healing, and self-mastery, and I am committed to being in service of others. With almost four decades of experience as a healthcare professional, over a decade of coaching, and extensive studies on the factors that promote human health and well-being, I address the needs of my coachees/clients holistically, empowering them with enhanced levels of awareness, knowledge, science, tools and practices to develop their unique ecosystem for optimal health, well-being, and personal transformation. I would be honoured to support you in addressing your challenges and achieving specific, inspiring goals in all areas of your life, as you embark on the fulfilling journey in unleashing Your full potential. Thank you so much.


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AstrologyWork & Pro LifeLove & RelationshipsWellness & Self development & 3 more.

Hello I'm your Occult Coach. I have been a life-long student and an avid practitioner of various mystical sciences including Vedic & KP Astrology, Numerology, Vastu, Palmistry and Graphology. I am certified in listed sciences and have been practicing these for 5 years. I like to use my knowledge to study your birth chart for offering a guiding light in navigating the complexities of stress and anxiety, unveiling personalized remedies that align with your unique astrological profile. This shall help you anticipate predict past, present, future events, identify health issues, education, career, relationship, marriage, children, partner, business, job etc. By reciting Mantra Meditation, Planetary, Transit and Personal Year remedies, embracing Rudrakasha Reiki/Gemstone therapy and mindful living, I can help you find inner peace and emotional balance. With an unwavering commitment to the craft, I have assisted countless individuals in unraveling the mysteries of their lives. I could help provide clarity, direction, and solace to those seeking answers to life’s intricate questions. Through my experience and knowledge, I will continue to illuminate the paths of those who seek to understand the hidden threads that weave through their destinies.


2+ years exp.

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Wellness & Self developmentLove & Relationships & 1 more.

My name is Chinelo Okoro. I am a trained Counsellor and Coach. I have an M.A and B.ED both first class honors in Counseling. I am an Advanced Certified Child Trauma Practitioner (ACCTP) and have a life coach certificate. I am a seasoned speaker, trainer, life coach and mentor with over 10 years’ experience in the counseling and coaching industry.

Dorie Joy Wicklund

2+ years exp.

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Wellness & Self developmentLove & RelationshipsWork & Pro LifeHealth & Fitness & 3 more.

Hello! I'm Dorie, and I have been in the coaching industry for over 20 years. I love helping people develop and execute plans to realize their dreams and enhance joy and bliss in all areas of their lives through cultivating consciousness and awareness professionally, personally, and spiritually. The Ways I Can Help You! It can be challenging to navigate through life without an effective and up-to-date map. With technology always changing, keeping up with the newest and latest ways to map out our lives becomes a challenge. I help people find the best maps for their journeys and provide accountability and resources to make it easier to get to their destinations. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Coach, and Academic Pathways Coach, I can help you set and achieve goals for career change, development, and satisfaction. Let me help you discover your value add! Finding the right map to personal development, mental clarity, increased energy, developing routines, maintaining balance, and experiencing bliss can seem complicated and overwhelming. I can help to simplify the process by evaluating your doshas, working to effectively and holistically restore balance, helping you to cultivate healthy relationships & boundaries, and increase quality of life. In the realm of spirituality, the maps can get even more complicated, and there are many pathways suggested to get us to the place of enlightenment. When we are already struggling with information overload, it can be hard to disconnect long enough to dive deep into our own souls and consciousness to connect to our higher power and find our purpose. I can help you explore your journey to your higher purpose.